Friday, June 28, 2024

Two day online workshop on "Use in Bioinformatics and Basics of Computer aided Drug Designing"

 The Institutional Biotech Hub of Namrup College successfully conducted a two-day online workshop on "Use of Bioinformatics and Basics of computer-aided Drug Designing" on 27th and 28th June 2024. The aim of this workshop is to empower students, research scholars, and faculty members in Biological Sciences to enhance their potential in their respective areas of work.

To fulfill the basic needs in this promising area of bioinformatics, we designed a two-day program schedule. We invited renowned educator Dr. Pankaj Chetia, who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Life Sciences at Dibrugarh University, Assam. Dr. Chetia is currently engaged in research in the field of drug designing and is an expert in this field. We extend our deep gratitude to Dr. Chetia for dedicating his valuable time to the participants on behalf of our institution.

During this two-day program, the first day featured an inaugural session inaugurated by Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Principal of Namrup College, who delivered a visionary speech on the technologically assisted discipline of Bioinformatics. He encouraged the participants and sought their full engagement until the end of the session.

We received a long list of participants from across the country, including students, teaching faculty, and research scholars. We sincerely thank all the participants for their involvement; without their presence, the entire program would have been incomplete.

The program was hosted by Miss Shewta Burdhan, Technical Assistant of the Institutional Biotech Hub, with assistance from Mr. Samiron Bhuyan, LA, who supported the organizing team. The vote of thanks was offered by Mr. Sajidur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Zoology at Namrup College.

The Principal Investigator, Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, was pleased to learn that the entire two-day program was successfully completed and that the participants were motivated.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two day online workshop on "Use of Bioinformatics Tools and Basics in Computer aided drug Designing"

 Institutional Biotech Hub of Namrup College organize two day workshop online on "Use of Bioinformatics Tools and Basics in Computer aided drug Designing" 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Tools and Technique in Molecular Biology

 One day workshop on "Tools and Techniques in Molecular Biology" was organised on 30th March 2024. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Field Study at Joypur Rain Forest

       A field tour was made to Joypur Rain Forest on 20th March 2024 with four students, Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator and Technical staff of Institutional Biotech Hub, Namrup College. The main purpose of this tour was to survey the area to be covered for two small research projects under the guidance and facilities of Biotech Hub and to collect sample for research purpose. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Two days Faculty development programme


Teachers are key factors in transferring of knowledge and training from industry to learners and play crucial role in the development of human resources and infrastructure development of the country. Teachers make the future scenario of society and direct the future trends of the societal movements. Today’ students are the future of a country and these students are now in the hands of teachers’ guidance. A student follows what their teachers say. So, it is crucial to make the teachers top most enable person in the society who can transform the stagnant society into a dynamic and vibrant one. With these aims, Institutional Biotech Hub of Namrup College organized a two days faculty development for the teachers of senior secondary level teaching in science and mathematics.

         With response to this FDP a total of 60 numbers of teachers were joined in this 2-days programme. This is a huge movement of teachers who like to enable themselves in multiple dimension of teaching pedagogy and like to enhance their teaching skills in advance level. In this programme total 30 High and Higher Secondary schools under Joypur Development Block were participated and shared their innovative teaching practices.

        To Make this programme most effective and fruitful, we have designed a two days programme as follows-

Day I- (26-03-2024)

1.      Inaugural session (9.30am – 10.30am)

Introduction to Dignitaries

Objectives of the program by Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Programme Convener

Inaugural and welcome speech by Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Principal, Namrup College

Key note Speaker Dr. Samiron Bora, AES-1, Inspector of School, Dibrugarh

Vote of thanks by Dr. Ankur Nath, Programme Coordinator


2.      Tea Break (10.30am – 10.45 am)


3.      Technical session I-  (10.45 am- 12.30 pm)

Topic:  Necessary skills and Teaching aids required for Science Teaching in Senior Secondary Schools by Dr. Navajyoyi Konwar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education & Special Education, AUSN, Arunachal Pradesh


4.      Lunch break (12.30 pm -01.00 pm)


6.      Technical session –II (1.00 pm – 2.30pm)

Topic: Physics for schools learners by Dr. Rituraj Dutta, Assistant Professor,  Dr. Ankur Nath Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Namrup College


7.      Technical session –III (2.30 pm – 4.00pm)

Topic: Chemistry for schools learners by  Dr. Padma  Acharyya and Ms. Mouchumi Konwar, Associate Professors, Dept. of Chemistry, Namrup College

Day II- (27-03-2024)

8.      Technical session IV (9.30 am – 10.30am)

Topic:   Blog/mini website designing for schools & AI Tools for teaching-learning processes by Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Botany & Principal Investigator of Biotech Hub, Namrup College


9.      Tea Break (10.30am-10.45am)


10.  Technical session V (10.45am-12.30pm)

Topic:  Mathematics for schools Learners by Ms. Khusbu Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Namrup College


11.  Lunch Break (12.30 pm- 01.00pm)


12.  Technical session VI (01.00pm-2.30pm)

            Topic: Biology for School learners Mr. Sajidur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of 

            Zoology and Ms. Kakoli Baruah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Botany, Namrup College


13.  Discussion on innovative teaching practices used by school Teachers (2.30-03.00pm)


14.  Valedictory session (03.00 pm to 04.00pm)



The first day programme was started with a speech on the objectives of the FDP by Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Principal Investigator, Institutional Biotech Hub. He highlighted the programme inside and its objective towards dissemination of scientific technology among the grass root level learners of different schools. Then programme was succeeded with welcome and inaugural speech delivered by Dr. Durga Prassad Gogoi, Principal, Namrup College.

a distinguish and renowned educator was invited.   Dr. Navajyoyi Konwar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education & Special Education, AUSN, AP

Hands-on-Training on handling of laboratory equipment

 Hands-on-training on "Handling of Laboratory equipment was conducted on 04/03/2024

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Workshop on "Entrepreneurship in Aquarium Trade"

The Institutional Biotech Hub of Namrup College hosted a complimentary workshop titled "Entrepreneurship in Aquarium Trade" on February 20, 2024. Thirty-four attendees from neighboring villages and Namrup College participated in the event. Commencing at 10:15 a.m., Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Coordinator of the Biotech Hub, delivered a brief speech outlining the workshop's objectives. Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Principal of Namrup College, officially inaugurated the workshop.

The workshop aimed to enhance participants' technical competencies to foster local entrepreneurship in the Namrup area within the aquarium trade, thereby facilitating livelihood generation. To ensure the success of the program, Dr. Anurag Protim Das, Assistant Professor in the Department of Zoology at Gargaon College, was invited as an expert. Dr. Das delivered a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation, delving into aquarium culture and various ornamental fish species. Participants were introduced to local fish species abundant in the area, highlighting their commercial and economic potential. Subsequently, Dr. Das conducted a practical hands-on training session encompassing glass fitting, decoration, and the integration of various aquarium culture components, culminating in the creation of two aquarium sets in front of the participants.

The participants expressed satisfaction and provided valuable feedback on the workshop. Following lunch, a valedictory session was held at 3:00 p.m., during which certificates were distributed to the participants. The workshop concluded at 4:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Sajidur Rahman, Co-Coordinator of the Biotech Hub.

Two day online workshop on "Use in Bioinformatics and Basics of Computer aided Drug Designing"

  The Institutional Biotech Hub of Namrup College successfully conducted a two-day online workshop on "Use of Bioinformatics and Basics...